Monroe Exchange Club A.C.E. Scholarship

Providing a scholarship to a Monroe County, Michigan resident. Applicant must have a well defined course of study and be enrolled full-time (12 credit hours per semester for Fall and Winter semesters). Additional consideration may be given to Monroe Exchange Club Junior Exchange Program participants, and preference is given to graduates of Ida, Jefferson, Monroe, and St. Mary’s Catholic Central High Schools.

The A.C.E. Award was created to recognize high school seniors who have redirected their lives through a dramatic change in their attitude and academic performance. The recipient of this scholarship will be further nominated by the Monroe Exchange Club for the Michigan District Exchange Club’s A.C.E. Award. If the student is selected at the District level, s/he will receive an additional $1,000 scholarship and become eligible for consideration by the National Exchange Club for a $10,000 award as the national winner.

The Monroe Exchange Club
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please provide any evidence that demonstrates that you have overcome significant educational, social and personal barriers to high school graduation by making dramatic changes in your attitude and performance. (Max 250 words)
  2. Please request a recommendation from your high school counselor, and then provide the reference's name and email. You should notify this individual to expect an email from us. You are responsible for ensuring your reference provider completes this request.